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New Water Storage Tank is ON-LINE!


During the past several months, contractors have been diligently at work erecting a new water storage tank in Sumpter. It replaces the old redwood tank and increases water holding capacity by up to 50%. Also, with the addition of a back up generator, water service will not be interrupted during power outages. The project was funded by a Biz Oregon block grant and was years in the making.

Phase 2 Begins in 2025: it starts with the installation of water meters at each water service point in town. When that is finished, work shifts over to replacing the water transmission line down from the McCully forks intake. Phase 2 is funded through a federal block grant. To see the pictures, click on the 'Residents' page, then click on 'Water Utilities'.

As Sumpter continues to grow, so does our city infrastructure!